I Am Grateful

It really has been quite a year. I feel like I’ve learned a lot, grown a lot- and I’m not just talking about my pregnancy girth. I truly feel grateful this Thanksgiving season, for all of my blessings.
I’m grateful for Andy. We are going on our seventh year together and I love and appreciate him more than ever. I’ve finally accepted that he’s not going to write me poetry. He’s accepted that I will always shrink his tee-shirts in the dryer. He will never like Morrissey, I will never like Chicago. But we’re best friends. He has taught me how to trust, and how to serve others. He is a good, humble, affectionate, and supportive man. I couldn’t do this without him.
I’m grateful for Brooklyn. My five-year-old girl has blossomed in the past five months. I was worried about becoming pregnant because I knew I would be sick, and wouldn’t be able to do everything for my girls. But I felt it was right, and so took a giant leap of faith. Since then I have seen Brook through new eyes. She loves her new found independence. She thrives on serving others. I have never seen her happier, or sweeter. I am indescribably grateful for her thoughtfulness, and the example she sets for her little sister. Its not only a relief, but truly a joy to see her positive growth. She really is an amazing little girl.
I’m grateful for Avery. My little Avery gives life added sparkle. Her openness, her natural logic, her willingness to do almost anything in return for Jelly Bellies is so refreshing. Her laughter is contagious, her wrath terrible. Either way you always know where Avery stands. I appreciate her straight-forwardness. I appreciate her undiluted affections. She understands so much, and takes her sister’s lead in being thoughtful, helpful, and hilarious. She makes me laugh every day.
I’m grateful for food. For more details see my last post.
I’m grateful for my home. In this era of great expectations, my home may not be much more than a little square box, indiscernible between every other little square box up and down my street. But its MY little square box. Its cozy and bright and comfortable. We have a swing set outback, and the best neighbors anyone could ask for. Andy works hard to afford it, we both work hard to maintain it, and Heavenly Father blesses us with everything we need.
I’m grateful for the gospel.I am grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. I can’t fully express how being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (aka Mormon church) has impacted my life for good. All the happiness that I enjoy in my life- my marriage, my decision to stay home with my children, my faith and hope, the reason I keep trying to be better every day is rooted in my religion. I’m grateful for the Book of Mormon, and a living prophet. I’m grateful for the temple, and for prayer. Most of all I am grateful to know in my heart that God loves me, and watches out for me, and that even when I show the smallest amount of faith and obedience He blesses me so abundantly.
I’m grateful for family. I love that whenever I need a good laugh or refreshing vent I can always call my family. If I want understanding I call Angie. If want deep discussion I call Wayne. If I want entertainment I call Gina. If I want to talk incessantly about my children I call my mom. I’m grateful for our closeness. I’m also grateful for Andy’s family and their acceptance.
I’m grateful for friendship. I never really appreciated my friends until I didn’t have any. When Andy and I had been married a year and a half I quit work to stay home with our newborn Brooklyn. The single friends I had had before marriage had all gone their separate ways, my family all lived two states away, I no longer had anything in common with my friends at work, and the few married couples we had befriended were busy and preoccupied. We were even too poor to afford internet. I have never been so lonely. Then we moved to Herriman. Granted, it took me a good year to recover my social skills but since then I feel like I have made some really great friends. And let me tell you, when you stay home all day with small children, friends are invaluable. It means so much to me having friends next door and down the street who I can laugh with, talk with, and rely on. They help me more than they know. Through blogging, I have also had the opportunity to reconnect with old friends. I have a new found appreciation for the importance of friendship.
I’m grateful I can grow. I admit I stole this title from a friend’s blog-post. But like I mentioned earlier, I feel like I have grown a lot this year. Starting with Andy’s brother, Matt’s death and ending in a series of unfortunate mishaps, last year’s holiday season took its toll on me. I started the year as quite the pessimist. But I am ending the year as an optimist. I continue to feel physically mediocre these days, and I know I will probably only feel and look worse until I have the baby. But I’m still happy. Life is very good, and the best is yet to come. And whatever happens I’m grateful I can grow if only I am willing.