Tom Selleck is an Extrovert

Fact: it takes me at least three times as long to read my way through a self-help book as it does a novel. I usually read a novel or two in between the chapters of my self-help books. This may be the reason I know that in The Two Towers, Gandalf’s horse, Shadowfax is black even though they made him white in the movie. This is also the reason I need a lot of self-help. Although I started it over a month ago, I am still reading Raising Your Spirited Child, which I have been enjoying even if I do take the occasional breather to read The Chronicles of Narnia. Again. Anyways, about a week ago I came across this interesting tidbit about introverts and extraverts.
Now, I always thought that those terms had to do with social skill, and was intrigued that they, in fact, have nothing to do with social skill and everything to do with how one expends or gains energy. The importance of  identifying your child or yourself, especially in cases where you’re dealing with a spirited/difficult person, is to avoid being overdrawn emotionally to avoid public and private meltdowns. As we have public and private meltdowns daily this caught my eye.
Introverts need their down time. I know everyone needs their down time, but introverts NEED THEIR DOWNTIME. If you feel drained and grumpy after spending extended periods of time in a group, even a group of people you love, then you are probably an introvert. If you hide in the bathroom at family gatherings, zone out in front of the TV after a hard day, share personal information only with those closest to you- you’re probably an introvert. All this really means is that you recharge your batteries by spending time alone. And if your child is an introvert, keeping her out shopping all day, or having friends over for long periods of time may be exhausting for her. Information that would have been helpful yesterday.
Extroverts need social interaction. Everyone needs social interaction, but extroverts REALLY need it. If you feel irritable after spending extended periods alone, if you feel energized in a crowd or have ever said “The More The Merrier!” and meant it, then you may be an extrovert. And if your child is an extrovert, keeping her entertained may be your challenge.
I’m totally oversimplifying here- honestly, I think that most of us have a little bit of both. As a kid I was undoubtedly an introvert, but nowadays I definitely require a certain amount of social interaction to be happy. And no, Tom Selleck has absolutely nothing to do with this post in case you were wondering how I was going to tie it all together. But I suspect that a man who would so proudly display his glorious mane of chest hair is practically begging for social interaction so I’m going to go out on a limb and say he’s an extrovert. What are you?