The Dealio

Is it just me or have any of you noticed the steady decline in my fan base? Before October hit I had anywhere from 12-20 comments per post. Since October the average has dropped significantly to around 5. I thought this was, in part, due to the demise of my brother’s computer. It turns out he and his wife were responsible for a great deal of my comments. I thought maybe their return to the blogosphere would raise numbers back up, but unfortunately this has not been the case. This begs the question: What’s the dealio yo? I have a few theories.

Theory #1: Others find me offensive.
Hey, we all have strong opinions. I have  strong opinions. In fact one of my strong opinions is that if you find me offensive you can bugger off you stupid $#@**!! Maybe grow a sense of humor. Sometimes you have to choose between breaking something or laughing. I have broken things before but I prefer laughter as the healthier, less destructive option. Granted I’m not as funny as sometimes I think I am, so please take half the things I say with a grain of salt. Or bugger off. Either way.
Theory #2: Its the economy.
I know a lot of people out there are stressed and struggling right now. Blogging probably doesn’t rank high on the priority list- totally understandable. Or NOT! Blogging is free. Throw me a friggin’ bone people!
Theory #3: I have lost my mojo.
This seems to be the most probable reason. Pregnancy will do that to a person. That first trimester literally sucked the creative juices from my veins. Not only that, but it also rendered me fat, unattractive, and generally useless as anything other than a pod in which our fetus might feed and develop. I get it, nobody likes a pod.
Theory #4: You have all been drawn away by that siren, Stephanie Meyer.
Theory #5: Blogging is no longer hip.
Maybe blogging has lost its novelty. Maybe people have moved on to something better. Maybe Face Book. Maybe something I don’t even know about. Maybe blogging is the hammer-pant of the Internet. But you know what? I like hammer pants. And I’m not going to stop wearing them just because everyone else is into high-waisted acid wash jeans.
Whatever the reason,  I enjoy blogging. I enjoy writing. I enjoy feeling connected. Blogging is therapeutic for me. So while I do miss the abundance of comments I used to receive, I still have every intention of carrying on! Because ultimately it isn’t about the comments. Its about the narcisism.
  1. Have no fear, I’m still a fan and blogging is totally rad!

    Annalisa 15 years ago Reply
  2. LOL!

    It is about the narcism, indeed.

    It could also be the Season. I’ve never blogged in November and December before. It could be because everyone is so busy being stressed out about the Holidays.

    Wait till January.

    But, maybe not. For me, I’m blogging like a madman right now in order to ALLEVIATE the stress.

    Therapeutic? Heck yes!

    Or it could be me, your creepy old brother, scaring away all your friends. If so, I am sorry.

    I will voluntarily not comment on your post if it means your fan-base recovers.

    I am so kind, I make myself well up with tears just thinking about it.

    BTW, I love the Hammer-Pants/ High-Wasted Acid Wash analogy.


    Wayneman 15 years ago Reply
  3. I often stop by without commenting, and I am aware how this pisses you off. I apologize. Mostly it’s due to the fact that I usually sound retarded. But you’ve always been very accepting of my retardit-ity, so I will continue to comment, even if afterwards everyone scratches their heads saying “Huh? Oh it’s Anige commenting. Now I get it.”

    Got it?

    AngPang 15 years ago Reply
  4. Do they make hammer-pants in maternity sizes? If so, that would be the ultimate in comfort!

    I have noticed a decline in my comments since our computer died, too. Perhaps we’ve just become the social pariahs of the blogosphere. Perhaps our cynicism has frightened all the happy, perfect people away.


    Shanana 15 years ago Reply
  5. And, Angie…

    WTF (F stands for whatever Mormon non-profanity floats your boat: frick, frig, flip, etc.)??? Do I have to post some whiney, narcisistic post complaining about how nobody loves me any more in order to get you to comment on MY blog?

    Shanana 15 years ago Reply
  6. Me too.

    Wayneman 15 years ago Reply
  7. Blogging is still the “it” thing. Have no fear. I will be here till the end…. whenever that might be!?!

    I love reading your blog… sorry I am not the greatest at posting comments…but I do check it several times a week.

    Brittany 15 years ago Reply
  8. We weren’t getting very many comments on our website either, and then recently I wrote a post about some new decortions we got, and then we ended up getting more comments than we did when we announced we were having a baby. Totatlly doesn’t make sense, but I guess sometimes people are inclined to write something, and other times not. Nothing like a Napolean pic that gets my fingers typin…

    Schvanz 15 years ago Reply
  9. I think it is the holiday season and the fact that if I comment on everyone’s blog that I visit I’d never do anything else and I feel guilt over my kids whining about me being on the computer so I stop, skim, smile and leave. Sorry – – KEEP BLOGGING I LOVE YOU AND YOUR POSTS!

    cbracken 15 years ago Reply
  10. Now THAT’s more like it! >:)
    Sorry for the whiny guilt-trip everybody! Seriously, I do understand. Feel free to blog-stock anytime.

    Di 15 years ago Reply
  11. Di, you can whine any time. You have a fabuous way of making it hillarious!

    My word verification is:
    “spernles.” Sounds like a type of foot disease to me.

    Shanana 15 years ago Reply
  12. Didn’t you mean “blog-STALK”, Diana?

    Wayneman 15 years ago Reply
  13. I could do a whiney post, too. But I hihgly doubt it would receive the same response.

    kudos 🙂

    Wayneman 15 years ago Reply
  14. I don’t understand what ya’ll are talking about. If I got 5 comments on ANY of my posts I’d feel pretty popular. No, people in my world have not figured out this whole blogging thing and are pretty scared of it.

    Thanks for always leaving comments on my blog. It makes me feel at least somewhat loved.

    BTW – does this mean I can bring my hammer pants out of the closet. I have sooooo wanted them to come back in style since they were so comfy and oh-so flattering!

    Hey, my word verification is “gracurse”. Does this mean there’s some kind of curse on my blog where people won’t comment?

    Caleb’s Co. 15 years ago Reply
  15. OK, here’s Ol’ Mom, commenting on your blog. I do think people are very busy at this time of year, Christmas shopping, decorating, card mailing, cooking, eating, bathing, etc.

    But, some of us have no life, so we can comment on any and all blogs.

    Just kidding, I am very busy too. but I LOVE to read all these blogs!! It cheers me up so much and makes me feel connected. I just wish Gina would come badk just once a week or so, at least. and Kelly too.
    Hey, I got a pertinent “wd veri”! “sogripse”. so we may be sogripse about comments, but we will be appeased.

    Mom 15 years ago Reply
  16. You expect 10-20 comments? were you the homecomming queen in highschool? I have a whole theory on that and I know you love theories so Ill tell you later. Oh and have you noticed how much nepolian D. looks like andy?

    trishanna 15 years ago Reply