How to Age Ungracefully.

I officially have my first wrinkle. One loan wrinkle directly between my eyebrows and its no wonder. What with being half-blind, genetically worry-prone, and incredibly angry a healthy portion of my life, it was bound to happen sooner or later or sooner. But it has gotten me to thinking, I mean seriously thinking about how I’m no spring chicken anymore. How the clothes I wear and the way I don’t do my hair say “Heck yes I’m eighteen”, while this friggin’ wrinkle begs to differ. What was once a Cute Rebellion Against Accepted Fashion is quickly disintegrating into the less charming Crazy Homeless Lady look.

I picked Brooklyn up from school the other day wearing a hoodie over a pair of overalls, with a scarf I don’t know who left at our house how many years ago, and my prized Sherpa-lined Costco boots. Which probably would have been okay if I was a refugee or her fourteen year old sister, but catching my reflection and my solitary wrinkle in those big glass doors it occurred to me: I’m on the fast track to becoming one of those embarrassing friend-moms desperately clinging to her youth, borrowing her kid’s clothes, using outdated teenage slang…

Hella lame.

But what can I do? I LIKE hoodies and overalls and castaway scarves. I LIKE looking a little different than everyone else. But, I would also LIKE looking like a responsible (if not slightly kick-ass), fashionable (if not a little quirky), sane woman in her late twenties. I’m just not sure how to pull it off.

Help me I’m addicted to second-hand stores!
Because I don’t want Brooklyn pretending she doesn’t know me at the tender age of six, I require your recommendations. Where can I find cute, reasonably priced jeans? Where can I find sweet, multifunctional shirts and sweaters? Where can I pick up a new scarf? This wrinkle says its time to woman-up people. If not for me, for the kids.
  1. LOL! I’m facing that problem myself. As I work from home sometimes I find myself not getting dressed at all.. and then I have to hide if someone knocks on my door or run for a my trusted trench hoping they won’t notice my plaid PJ’s underneath and my un-styled hair. Have you ever checked out Mod Cloth? They have cute somewhat cheap stuff with an indie / vintage style. I doubt they have jeans but they have cute jackets and other fun stuff sometimes.

    Denise & Cody 14 years ago Reply
  2. ROSS. I went from thrift stores to Ross. Its a good first stepping stone into the fashion world.

    Annalisa 14 years ago Reply
  3. Please don’t change anything . You are freggin awesome my friend. Don’t. change. Anything. In the next life I’ve already put in my papers to reincarnate as you.

    Angie 14 years ago Reply
  4. I love you the way you are! Always have always will. You are someone that can pull it off for shizzle!

    With that being said, I totally am feeling the same way, but I’ve never really pulled off my “I’m still in college look”. We’re approaching 30 and wrinkles are the start of that shock, I guess my advice is… BOTOX! I’m doing it, I’ve gotta… and as for fashion… if you can get away with it for a few more years than do it! Besides, if you can’t embarrass your kids a little what’s the point of parenthood?

  5. Ross, TJMaxx, Marshalls, but shop the womens sections. You can also check out their jeans are reasonably priced and so are their other clothes.

    start with a few shirts, sweaters, and jeans.. maybe even a pair of dress pants. then go from there once you decide what you like for your new you.

    Brittany 14 years ago Reply
  6. I have the exact same problem! I need a personal shopper bad. lol

    Ashley 14 years ago Reply
  7. Brittany’s advice is right on. Ang has a website she goes to that she will share with you. she’s learned a lot from it. YOu know a lot already. You know what looks good on you. You are so easy to dress!
    I’m in NY with Jane! I’ll be going to Gina’s on Thurs.
    Jane’s taking me to the City to see “South Pacific” tomorrow! I mean, New York City!! We’ll spend the day have lunch, see the sights! FUN!

    Mommalynne 14 years ago Reply
  8. late 20’s???? are you serious? why do you feel the need to look more “grown up?” your girls need YOU as their mom. and something tells me even though they act embarassed on the outside, they are thinking on the inside that they have the coolest mom around.

    i’ve always had the opposite problem-even in my teens-i’ve always dressed older than i am. i can’t help it, it’s just what i reach for. i’ve tried to dress “younger” i just can’t pull it off. no really, i can’t. so just go for it, wear those overalls and costco boots with pride girl. there are others that are wishing they could…

    Meliss 14 years ago Reply
  9. Sigh….Diana – what does it mean if you are my fashion icon and you are doubting it? Hmmmm….And what does it mean if someone in their barely late 20’s says they have to change what their wearing when I’m the lame-o-age-32!? I used to wear dresses to work (had to for the Church Office Building) and I got used to suits etc. Then I worked with teens and felt too stiff but realized I never dressed as a teenager as a teen – – so now I’ve tried to relax but now you’re telling me I’m too old ‘cuz I have wrinkles? Grrrr…Please stay how you are so I can breathe again? XXX OOO You Rock!

    JCCB 14 years ago Reply
  10. Di, Nathan (14 -1/2)told me the other day that I was cool because I like what I like, and don’t try to be something I’m not(ie younger than I am).

    We were talking about musical tastes, and how I still love Depeche Mode, which was my band in high school, but how I also love the more recent bands of the similar genre, and refuse to “sellout” and start listening to what the teenagers listen to.

    Take home message:

    Don’t try to cling to your youth.

    BUT, like what you like, look how you want to look, and be genuinely who you are.

    People can sense the difference between a washed-up old wannabe and someone who is just being who they are.

    It’s all within, sis 🙂

    Wayneman 14 years ago Reply

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